Click for the BBB Business Review of this Notaries Public in Corpus Christi TX


We’re a BBB Accredited Business



We’re proud of our rating.

Texas Notary Public, LLC is a BBB Accredited business and is pleased to say that we have been an accredited business since 2016.


What is a BBB Accredited Business?

If a business has been accredited by the BBB, it means that the BBB has determined that the business meets BBB accreditation standards, which include a commitment to make a good faith effort to resolve any consumer complaints. BBB accreditation does not mean that the business’ products or services have been endorsed by the BBB.


What are BBB Ratings?

BBB assigns ratings by evaluating businesses in the following categories:

  • BBB experience with the industry in which the business operates
  • The business’ length of time in operation
  • Whether BBB has information that the business does not have required competency licenses
  • Any known government actions against the business that are related to marketplace activities
  • Any advertising issues found by BBB
  • The number of complaints processed by BBB from the business’ customers
  • The nature of the complaints from the business’ customers
  • Whether the business has responded to complaints received by BBB
  • Whether complaints have been resolved in a timely manner or the business has demonstrated a good faith effort to resolve them
  • Business’ overall complaint history

Ratings are determined by a formula that represents BBB’s opinion as to the importance of each category and the score given to the business for each category.

Assigned grades are from A to F with pluses and minuses. A+ is the highest grade and F is the lowest.
The grade represents BBB’s degree of confidence that the business is operating in a trustworthy manner.


Click for the BBB Business Review of this Notaries Public in Corpus Christi TX

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